Saturday 10 December 2011

Chapter 4

   It was early in the morning.The Sun is just about to rise.Two brave hunters went on a quest."Pops,I'm sleepy.Let's just go home.What are we going to hunt now?" Natsu is still exhausted.He's a little injured from their encounter with the Elder Dragon of wind. Ivan is still a little shocked,so he is a little more cautious than before.

   "Will you stop calling me pops?I am not old yet." Ivan felt offended."You're lucky this time.I chose a quest to test your hunting skills."What?You think I'm not good enough?". "I'm not saying that,kid.If you don't exercise,how are you going to hunt for more powerful creatures out there?If you can't defeat the Kushala,don't even dream of finding the location of The Shining Dragon.

Suddenly,a Velociprey appeared."What a cute little runt." Natsu laughed."Don't underestimate their leader,Natsu." Ivan reminded him.Then,more Velocipreys appeared.They were surrounded."This ain't good.Natsu,don't lower your guard.This is going to be quite a fight." Ivan grabs his sword."Don't need to tell me twice." Natsu swings his hammer.

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