Thursday 8 December 2011

Chapter 1

Once,lived a legendary creature.Most people say it was a dragon which shine like the brightest star in the night sky.It is believed to be one of the oldest being to have ever lived.Just one swing from its enormous tail can reduce even the biggest of mountains to a pile of dust.It can create terrible storms from its wings and it can last for up to a week.Many people trained,thinking they're powerful enough and sought to challenge it,but none ever returned.

   "WAIT A SEC!"Natsu interrupts."What is it?Don't you like my story?"Natsu's father,Ivan replied.He scratched his head a little along with a weird look on his face."Have you ever seen this.....this 'beast'?"Natsu asked with curiosity."".Ivan answers."If you have not seen this thing,how can you know how it looked like and how powerful it actually is?Are you making up stories and legends just to inspire me?"Natsu asked with a such a tone,provoking Ivan.

BAAM!!!Natsu's head received a nice,nice punch from his father."This is what your grandpa told me,you fool!Do you expect your grandfather,MY father,the great,legendary hunter,whom people called Shiki 'The Dragon Slayer',would make up such a story?!"Ivan shouts with anger.Natsu,not understanding what his father said earlier,rubs his head and asked."You said 'none ever returned,but how come grandpa knows how that thing looked like?"His father shouts,this time even louder."Don't you get it?!Why people called him 'The Dragon Slayer' ?!"Natsu answered."Because....he asked people to call him that?"He received another punch from Ivan."Wrong!It's because he's the only one who manages to come back alive!!!"Ivan shouted with anger.Natsu rubs his head again."Man that hurts a lot."

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