Friday 9 December 2011

Chapter 3

  "What is it now,father?"Natsu is a little anxious because of Ivan's sudden change of attitude. Not so long after that,Natsu felt the same eerie feeling."Wh....what....what is this?"Natsu shivered .He become weak.He can no longer stand. He fell to his knee,looking as scared as ever. "Calm down Natsu,there's nothing to fear. I,your father,will protect you as long as I'm alive. And I will never back down.Even if it means taking away my own."Ivan's words makes Natsu a little bit more confident. He quickly get back on his feet.
   "You're right,pops. I have no reason to be scared. Because I'm a man!"Natsu boasted. Ivan reminded himself when he was young,about the same age as Natsu. He came to this woods with his father,Shiki when he told Shiki the very same thing. He don't have a reason to be scared and he is a man. Then,a huge gust of wind blows the mysterious woods. Almost all of the trees at the area is uprooted and blown off.

   "Pops!Help me!Where are you?" Natsu yells while holding on to one of the larger tree's branch to prevent himself from flying away."I am here!Hah!Holding on to a branch?!Look son,if you want to be like me,take it like a real man!" Ivan shouted,standing firmly on the ground,feeling no effect on the powerful gust.

   Not long after that,the gust gets worse. The wind blows even stronger and more fierce. The branch Natsu is holding on snapped,and Natsu flies as the gust blows. Then,a shadowy black figure appeared. It looked like it has wings. Large wings."Impossible!How can this thing appear here?!" Ivan was shocked at the moment he realizes that this is no ordinary gust. It is somehow related to the figure which appeared before him.

   Finally,the figure revealed itself. It is huge. It opened its wings,growl,and then unleashes an almighty roar that            
blasted away nearby trees. It stood on four legs. It has horns. The tail is quite small. And surprisingly,the body of the beast is covered in steel."Look pops,dinner!"Natsu says with joy. The powerful gust continued to blow. Ivan starts to shiver."This....can' such a creature to appear right in front of my eyes."

   It's the Elder Dragon of the wind,Kushala Daora."Stay calm,Ivan.This is a chance for you to make a name for yourself.You just need to grab your sword.That's it!" But he is so shocked by the presence of such a creature,he can't even move his hands to grab his sword."Wehee!Wohoo!" Ivan snapped out of his thoughts and is very much surprised to see Natsu running towards the dragon."How can this be?It's like he can see the wind,and just move out of the way.And most importantly,how did he survived the wind earlier?"

   Natsu approached that dragon,with no sign of fear at all on his face.Much different when he first felt it's presence."Hey,big rusty lizard!Some day I'm going to hunt you down,and I mean it!"Natsu clenched his fist in front of the dragon."What are you trying to do,fool?!" Ivan starts to worry if the dragon just gulped Natsu or stomp him to death.

   The dragon opened it's wings,another gust of wind blows,and flies away."Haha.You see that,pops?Big rusty o' lizard is scared and he ran away." Natsu said cheerfully,thinking he had scared the elder dragon."He just left because he didn't think of us as worthy opponents for him to face in battle." Ivan explained.
   They continued they're search for the Kelbi."There's one!" Natsu yelled,pointing a finger at one of the Kelbi near the bushes."Keep your voice low,son.You don't want to go all the way here just to see it ran away,right?" Natsu nodded.

   It was late in the evening. Ivan and Natsu came home safe and sound."I'm going to eat like a horse tonight,right pops?" Ivan just smiled."Not if I get to eat first!" Ivan took the dead Kelbi from Natsu's hands and ran away laughing."Pops.That's mine!I caught it.Come back!"

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